Growing Naturals, Organic Rice Protein, Original Unflavored, 16、2 oz (459 g)
或許大家都聽過Growing Naturals, Organic Rice Protein, Original Unflavored, 16、2 oz (459 g),但印象中Growing Naturals, Organic Rice Protein, Original Unflavored, 16、2 oz (459 g)平時是不打折的,但是今天告訴你買Growing Naturals, Organic Rice Protein, Original Unflavored, 16、2 oz (459 g)到這裡買,可以使用折價券買Growing Naturals, Organic Rice Protein, Original Unflavored, 16、2 oz (459 g),而且宅配到府完全不用搬Growing Naturals, Organic Rice Protein, Original Unflavored, 16、2 oz (459 g),真的省時省力又好輕鬆呢!
如果你還在考慮Growing Naturals, Organic Rice Protein, Original Unflavored, 16、2 oz (459 g)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~
- Clinically Shown as Good as Whey
- Vegan
- Lab Tested Gluten Free
- From an Ancient Whole Grain
- Allergen Friendly
- Nothing Artificial
- Helps Build Lean Muscle and Aids Exercise Recovery Like Whey
- Free of Major Allergens
- Low Carb & No Sugar
- 24 g of Protein
- Made with Raw Protein
- Brown Rice Protein Powder
- Non GMO Project Verified
- USDA Organic
- Certified Organic by QAI
- BPA Free
- Quality Assurance International Certified Organic
- Kosher
- The Whole Grain Oryzatein Inisde Brown Rice Protein
- US-ORG-050 Non EU Agriculture Manufactured in the U.S.A
- 24 g Protein
- 0 g Cholesterol
- 5 g BCAA^
- 4 Glutamine & Precursors
- 0 g Sugars
- Low Glycemic Index
Yes, There's Protein In Rice!田中獨一無二情人節禮物
>象山約會拍照景點Thanks to a chemical-free, low-heat, sprouted process, we extract the amino acids our bodies require every day and may not get from whole foods, but without the allergens, cholesterol and sodium often found in whey. Amino acids in protein can help to support muscle strength and recovery, conquer cravings and hunger, sustain immunity, balance hormones, regulate brain activity, and a whole bunch more. Experience it, live well and grow naturally! Each serving of rice protein contains:
- 6.3 x More Protein than 15 Almonds
- 3x More Protein than 1 Cup Cooked Quinoa
- 3.4 x More Protein than 1 Large Egg*
- 7.9 x More Iron than 1 Cup of Raw Spinach
*Based on grams not amino acid profile
^50 of all essential amino acids are Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) used for fueling and regenerating muscle. All values are approximate. Our rice protein isolate contains all necessary essential and non-essential amino acids.
Growing Naturals, Organic Rice Protein, Original Unflavored, 16、2 oz (459 g)
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